Quake and Tsunami Predicted July 22 2009
21st century's longest Total Solar Eclipse on 2009 July 22
The solar eclipse that will take place on Wednesday, July 22, 2009 will be a total eclipse of the Sun with a magnitude of 1.080 that will be visible from a narrow corridor through northern India, eastern Nepal, northern Bangladesh, Bhutan, and the northern tip of Myanmar, central China and the Pacific Ocean, including the Ryukyu Islands, Marshall Islands and Kiribati. Totality will be visible in many cities such as Surat, Varanasi, Patna, Thimphu, Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan, Hangzhou and Shanghai, as well as over the Three Gorges Dam. A partial eclipse will be seen from the much broader path of the Moon's penumbra, including most of South East Asia and north-eastern Oceania. This solar eclipse is the longest total solar eclipse that will occur in the twenty-first century, and will not be surpassed in duration until June 13, 2132. Totality will last for up to 6 minutes and 39 seconds, with the maximum eclipse occurring in the ocean at 02:35:21 UTC about 100 km south of the Bonin Islands, southeast of Japan. The North Iwo Jima island is the landmass with totality time closest to maximum.
The eclipse quake theory is as follows, When the gravitational force of the sun and moon are both pulling on a plate that has not had series of recent earth quakes, the extra pull is all that is needed to "pop the seam" and cause a major quake.
Japans tectonic plates
6+ Magnitude Quake on July 22 2009 at 3:00PM Local Japanese time. This will be follower by two level 5+ Earthquakes and a Tsunami between 5:00PM and 7:00PM. The tsunami will start out in the pacific ocean (to the South East of Japan ... Along the fault line) and hit all the islands to the south west of Japan, Indonesia and even reach New Zealand. The major quakes will actually be along the fault lines in the Ocean.
the theory that the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon pulling together will do the following things.
1. Lift the tectonic plates
2. Cause the tide to rise more than usual
3. Cause an underground molten magma tide to dip and raise the plates following the water tide.
Taken all the time data from the Nasa eclipse site into an excel spread sheet four the four tectonic plates in the region. assumed an hour delay for each event following the lunar eclipse, and then summed the values. I assumed that the events would last longer for the fluids, water and molten magma than for dry land. and then summed the values four all 4 plates where Japan sits.
The blue path above shows the lunar path that will achieve the full solar eclipse at around 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Red dots show where the solar eclipse will be full.
The theory is based on gravitation pull and the earth's tectonic plates
A solar eclipse means that the moon is blocking the sun. The moon has enough gravitational pull to cause the tides an other natural phenomena on earth. The sun has enough gravitational pull to keep the earth in orbit. The theory is that during a solar eclipse, the moon has the Sun's added pull on the earth's tectonic plates. When the Sun and Moon are together on one side of the planet, they pull together and lift up the earth's tectonic plate, just beneath the eclipse. This causes the plate to shift upward, and then an earth quake when the lifted plate gets the little extra push (lift) it needed to move over its neighboring plate. The theory may be hair brained, or it might actually have some pull to it. (pun intended) I'd like to do a simulator game to find out.
Online Documents for the Eclipse Quake Theory
The closest thing you find online (in reference to the eclipse earthquake theory) is this one: India planetary angular momentum theory.
The problem is, its not exactly the same theory... its not a "solar eclipse" causing the earthquake, its the moon inline with the gravitational pull of the other planets.
Making the simulator
The TGEA model earth would be a basic dts sphere. It would then have some curved meshes (dts objects) mounted to on it to simulate the shifting continental plates. The model earth and moon would respond to real game physics for gravity to simulate an orbit. The dts mesh plates would also respond to the gravitational pull of the sun and moon. In the TGEA simulation, the sun could simply be be a fixed gravitational spot (and source of light).
some plates are known to be on top, and others to be on the bottom where they meet, so this is kind of important. To do it right, the tectonic plate meshes would need to have collision detection much better than a simple bounding box. It can't be built to actual scale (distance between a scaled down version of the earth and moon is too great for a basic TGEA map), and the physics can only approximate the real pull... but a basic approximation of the theory could be done.
Earth Plate Tectonics
Then you feed in the eclipse data so the moon is orbiting correctly... and let the simulation begin on a certain date. Eclipse and earth quake data below.
On Wednesday, 2009 July 22, a total eclipse of the Sun is visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses half of Earth. The path of the Moon's umbral shadow begins in India and crosses through Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar and China. After leaving mainland Asia, the path crosses Japan's Ryukyu Islands and curves southeast through the Pacific Ocean where the maximum duration of totality reaches 6 min 39 s. A partial eclipse is seen within the much broader path of the Moon's penumbral shadow, which includes most of eastern Asia, Indonesia, and the Pacific Ocean.
You could do it for past earth quakes to see the correlation too. If anyone wants to do this game, by all means go for it. Who knows? You might even get a government grant to fund its development. The image above shows a total eclipse in South East Asia July 2009. (It starts right over the plates between India and Burma). Bangladesh may be a mess this summer.
We see the seam right in the middle of the pacific where the eclipse is in full effect. wonder if a major earthquake would create a tsunami for Japan and New Zealand. If this theory is right then Japan would get a both a quake and a tsunami this summer. its really curios to see if there is anything to this theory. This one article Russian confirm planetary angular momentum theory ... seems kind a half baked.
World Earthquake Maps
SCEC Southern California Earthquake Center
Video of Earthquake, and Tsunami Simulation
Disaster machines: Simulating earthquakes
M7.0 Earthquake Simulation for Hayward Fault, California
TGEA 1.8.0 looks much better than any of the other computer simulation software we've seen so far. a thought that we could use shades to show the stress and pull of the moon on the earth's plates. When the moon hits the seams we could use an earth quake shadier like the last video with the ripple.
Parting Thoughts
Wikipedia Tides
The tidal forces are also stronger when the sun and moon are inline. The thought is that the liquid hot magma beneath the tectonic plates must also follow a similar principle. The earth rotates beneath the moon faster than the moon orbits the earth. So in theory a few hours before / after the eclipse you could have some shifting in the tidal magma beneath the tectonic plate. The whole day of July 22 2009 will be interesting. The earth will rotate in the summer so that the northern hemisphere is facing the sun. The moon will cross over 3 distinct tectonic plates known for earth quakes on that day.
Its perfectly possible there will be some pretty heavy earthquakes in those regions on July 22 2009.
CIC(Chetan's Information Center)
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